Image by Dan Brickley on Flickr
We've finally done it. We've listened to the masses, screaming in transcendent ecstasy for us, your esteemed co-hosts, to bring you the first of a two part series on...wait for it...good sex. Well, great sex. It's surprising how much goes in (pun totally intended) goes into having an amazing sexual experience?
What is good sex to you? Tell us!
Beauregard and Kennington agree. Good sex always starts with good communication. Regardless of whether you're scratching an itch with a one night stand, trying to navigate multiple partners in a polyamorous relationship or spicing up a long-term marriage, sexual communication is the foundation of any great sexual experience.
It's not good enough anymore to talk about how often you want to have sex. You have to talk about what kind of sex you want to have. Most people aren't having sex just to have kids.
We do it because it feels good.
We do it because we want to connect.
We do it because our partners' get grumpy if we don't.
We here at created this two part podcast as a protest against bad sex, sex by obligation, apathetic-fake orgasm-get it over with-sex.
We believe that while sex doesn't always have to mean that you're throwing the sheets off the bed and levitating each other to orgasm, it should always be authentic.
In this episode, we talk about foundation of great sex. In our next episode, we get down and dirty into the nitty gritty of great sex. We demystify some common lies about sex and discuss the importance of sexual initiation.
Are you looking for some practical and thoughtful insight on how to have great sex? Stay with us! This two-part harmony will be just what the doctors ordered.